Essaouira is a coastal town that is know for the wind so kitesurfing is prevalent but before kitesurfing was an activity, it was know for (and still is) for all of the fishing, shocker- ha. The fish market was huge compared to Imsouane which makes sense since the city size is drastically different too. My favorite part of this fish market were the eel! Check out the second photo, can you spot the eel?! I didn’t get a photo, but one man had a big shallow bucket of eel and was sorting them so he would toss and separate them into various piles. It was wild watching how even the dead eel bodies would slither until they lost motion from being moved.

One of my favorite parts of this trip is being a fly on the wall to local business and culture. I absolutely love being in the hustle and bustle of these fish markets, [some] city markets, or even the small town tiny tea cafes. In this fish market, a few different men had large wheelbarrels with their fish and about 10 to 14 men would gather all around to assess the fish. I tried to poke my head in and force myself into the circle but got pushed out pretty quick since they figured I wouldn’t be purchasing a large quantity for a restaurant, ha. Everyone is also so friendly and can be quite silly too. One of the guys gutting fish, came up to me and jokingly started to give me a hug as he was pretty dirty and smelly from working at the market all day and we both chuckled and laughed at the situation.