Dahab has been absolutely amazing, wow!! The Red Sea is so clear, warm, salty, and pretty perfect. We have spent quite a few days here diving, snorkeling, meeting other travelers, eating bone-in fish, hiking, and more. As I sit down to write this post, I am realizing I have not really been taking my phone places so my photos are very scarce.

Austin and I took the past three days to get our Advanced Open Water Course (AOWC) certificate so now we can legally dive up to 100ft (30m). Not a lot of places require the AOWC to dive that deep but we figured it would be fun to learn more skills around diving while spending time in the salty water. The diving here is the best diving I have ever done: the water is clear & warm, the coral is so voluminous and colorful, and the sea life is very active. During our time in the water, we have seen colored eels, rays, an abundance of unique types of fish, beautiful coral, turtles, and more.

During our advanced course, we worked a lot on buoyancy and navigation and finished the course with two epic dives. Buoyancy is a skill that I can always work on but getting tips and practicing with the dive master in the buoyancy dive site helped grow that skill. For navigation, we navigated with a compass and practiced natural navigation (looking for rock formations or something similar to gauge where you are located in the water).

For the fun dives, we went to the Bells & Blue Hole and the Canyon dive sites. The Canyon dive site was a deep dive with the group where we hit a little over 30m. The Canyon itself had an entrance that was a 1 meter wide inlet that descended into an open "room" that sat around 30m. It was decently narrow and a very fun swim through, there was also the neighborhood eel there ready to greet us as we entered. For the second fun dive, we dive the Bells & Blue Hole. The Bells is the entrance to the dive and it is pretty much a vertical tunnel where you descend head first to 30m. It was so wild descending straight down, it was such a blast!! Both Austin and I loved that part of the dive!! We saw the biggest eel I have seen in my dive history on that dive and a big sea turtle.