Leandra introduced us to another pastor at her church and his wife (Jonas and Janine) and they were incredible. They invited us out to a concert one evening and after having us over for a Swiss fondue dinner. It was a great night with them. During dinner, their kids all came in to say hello to us and all had their noses plugged in the most dramatic way since they didn't like the smell of the Swiss fondue cheese, it was hilarious. It reminded me of when I was a kid and would plug my nose in order to eat a specific type of sausage in our pasta, haha. One of their daughters also told her dad, Jonas, in Swiss German that she thought "Austin is very sweet". We didn't speak much to the kids since they mainly spoke Swiss German but it was still so cute.

The concert was amazing; the band ended up being my favorite type of music: folk rock/pop. It was at a neat venue that was an old Salvation Army but they ended up needed to downsize the store front itself and an artsy man created the empty space into an eclectic small / intimate concert venue. I think the man who created it would enjoy meeting the creators of Meow Wolf since both of the places are a wild setting.