Austin had met a new friend during our solo week in Italy named Jaia. Jaia's next stop was to go volunteer with an organization called UBC'22 in Bucharest and we had shared that we were interested in hearing about her time and about the organization in general. After her time of volunteering, she connected us with the organization and we were able to go visit and meet the people that work and volunteer there.

UBC stands for Ukraine Bucharest Churches. After the war started, a few churches in Bucharest all came together and got connected to 15 churches in Ukraine to help bring in supplies, food, and so much more. The organization focuses on helping Ukrainian refugees by giving them a place to stay, feeding them, providing counseling and many other resources. The organization started as a result of the war so initially people were sleeping wherever they could in the church and at member's homes. As time went on, they purchased beds, reorganized the church and offices, acquired new spaces via incredible donations, and so many more amazing things. I got goosebumps hearing the stories of God orchestrating so many details and guiding this organization each step of the way. They even acquired a summer camp that is hosting many refugees and we plan to go there to help with some construction work in a few days!

In 2022, UBC'22 has hosted over 3,800 refugees, helped 70,000+ people in Ukraine, brought in supplies to Ukraine 42 times including over 5,000 first aid kits and 275,000 kg (600,000 lbs) of humanitarian aid.