After volunteering at the church in Slatina and UBC’s camp, we spent a few quiet days in the mountains. The mountain town we went to is actually a ski resort mountain town but ski season is over. Despite ski season being over, there is still a lot of snow in the mountains and it was so beautiful. I had seen photos of this mountain range online but seen in person it was absolutely jaw dropping! While driving in both of us were so giddy and excited to see the steep jagged peaks that rested right behind our accommodation. We spent a couple of days hiking, had some alone time, Austin worked on tweaking the bike’s alignment, and I read a little. I did a solo hike one day and saw a lot of evidence of bears. That was pretty neat to see since I haven’t seen much animal evidence recently. Unfortunately I did not see a bear, I would’ve love to see one at nature. Bears are my favorite animal and seeing them in nature is so raw and majestic.

Eastern Europe has been a lot more rainy than we expected which has changed some of our hiking and nature plans into seeking shelter in warm cozy buildings, haha! That’s ok though, Eastern Europe is a place that we both agreed that we want to come back and spend the summer holiday here within the next few years.