Austin found the cave on a hand written map that was at the guesthouse we stayed at for the Tham Lod Cave. We decided to venture off to find the cave the next day. Hiking to the cave took a bit over 3 hours since we got lost a few times with multiple river crossings, a mountain traverse, many scrambling sections from rock fall, and more. It was a big day of hiking! Once we got to the cave though, it was INSANE!

The day was full of navigating an unmarked trail, smoky air (it is burning season in SE Asia so many countries are burning their crops fields so the air is quite smoky), river crossings, bug bites, stick cuts, MANY spiders, swimming, and most importantly, a successful cave find!

Starting off the hike in the smoke with our no name 3-legged dog friend / guide:

A sweet angle of the cave entrance:

The map we followed:

Deep inside the cave:

Austin swimming neck deep in the river in the cave:

Cool tree:

River crossing: