We started at Lago di Braises which was so beautiful but quite packed with people. Our trek is 5 days and 4 nights in the mountains. One common theme we noticed was there is no moderate hiking in the alps, it’s only straight up or straight down, ha!

We got to Rifugio Biella around 5pm and dinner started at 6. This hut was a very basic rifugio with bunk rooms, a restaurant / dining area, ice cold showers, and hole in the ground toilets. Some of those things sound rough, but honestly, it was all we needed. Having a warm meal was unreal after trekking and taking a cold shower. We jumped into the shower right after getting there so we were still warm from the hike, it was still pretty chilly but felt amazing to be clean. We were the only ones that I saw shower, it was crazy. Dinner was delicious; I had a yummy pasta dish with deer and Austin had the most tender pork cheeks I’ve ever had. Sounds quite fancy but we thought the prices were pretty reasonable! 12 euro for my pasta and deer dish and 14 euro for Austin’s dish. After a warm meal, we hit the hay pretty quickly even though we have a short day tomorrow.